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Just a good enough post


This is a short description of the blog post.

I've always wanted more. Not only wanting to be more than I am or have more than I have but also be and have more than others.

  • More money (richer)
  • More space (houses) (richer?)
  • More things (richer?)
  • More speed (faster)
  • More strength (stronger)
  • More love

I have also had the need to be able to do things I can't and if I do it, do them good, better than the best or even perfect:

  • Dance
  • Write
  • Draw
  • Code
  • Sing
  • Play instruments

Be better at the roles I have in life:

  • A better/perfect father
  • A better/perfect partner
  • A better/perfect son
  • A better/perfect brother
  • A better/perfect friend
  • A better/perfect employee

The thing is that perfect is not achievable and you can always get better but never reach perfect. Measuring yourself to others is also not a good strategy to becoming your best self.

After years of being anxious, burning out, not able to start many things because of my need for perfection, wanting more, wanting to be better in the scale of perfection, I have come to realize that I need a change. To be honest, it is my body that is telling me to change while I am still a little in denial.

What I really want is to be the best version of myself. Sometimes it means being terrible at some things and being great at others but on my own scale.

Looking forward I will try to:

  • Not measure myself to others
  • Not be afraid of making mistakes or putting out bad work
  • Be good enough sometimes it will mean great and others it will mean bad in relation to others.

“The good enough blog” is the start of my journey in putting out good enough ideas, code, thoughts, and meanings. Be warned! sometimes they might be terrible but good enough for me.

Every day I will share some good enough words mostly about personal development, happiness, health, technology, and my personal experience.

This is my first “good enough” post. Good enough for me.