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Is technology making our lifes better?


This is a short description of the blog post.

Is technology making our lifes better? - This is a question that I’ve been thinking about for many years now. I wish that the answer was a clear: “Absolutely!”

I love technology. Technology helps us do more and do it faster but is that making our life quality better or are we just busier? I dream of a world where technology is there without us realizing it. Where we can spend more time with each other, nature, taking care of ourselves and exploring our interests.

As you can read in my “about me” page:

I am a curious problem solver that is passionate about:

  • PEOPLE 💙: Wellbeing, health and happiness.
  • INNOVATION 💡: Solving problems in new ways. From idea to services and products to large scale businesses that solve real problems.
  • TECHNOLOGY 🚀: Understanding how technology can be used as a tool to solve present and future problems.

That is why my mission is to develop digital products and physical services that help people be healthier, happier and have fun.

While we develop or adopt technology we need to make sure that it actually contributes to making our lifes better. It is no coincidence that my passions come in that order. 1. People 2. Innovation 3. Technology.

Good enough for a Sunday